Oct. 11, 2024

Hi! It's the morning of a friday, and this is the first blog post of this website. hooray!

I've started work (again) on my homelab. Except for real this time, because the last two times didn't count...

I futzed around with our home router and configured some settings, and flashed a ProxMox VE 8.2 ISO onto a usb with Rufus. Wired up the server (Dell PowerEdge T330, 32G RAM, 16TB HDD, ~500GB SSD) with power and a monitor and keyboard, etc. etc. and booted into ProxMox. I think the Dell 2.12.0 BIOS looks quite nice, for the record.

I chose a graphical install because using a terminal-only interface just to be "hardcore" is not the life I want to live. It was at this point that I realized I'd forgotten to connect a mouse. Since there are 4 drives, I chose /dev/sda to install the OS on and prayed. Set my country and timezone, chose a password and email, configured a management network (FQDN prox.legacv.lcl; IP; gateway; DNS, and prayed some more.

It installed, I removed the boot media, and logged in. I had a terminal now, hooray! Had to go into the web interface of the home router and manually set a DHCP exception (or whatever those are called) so my prox can have a static IP.

Lo and behold, I visited the site it told me to visit and I had my web interface! I added the IP (.214) with the FQDN to my /etc/hosts file on my laptop just for ease, and bookmarked it as well. It was giving me a "you don't have a subscription" notice, so I followed the manual steps here to remove it. Also, I checked out the block devices with lsblk, and all 4 were showing up, which is good; but sdb-d weren't formatted, I don't think, so I'll have to do that manually in the future.

For now I think I'll just play around with the PVE web interface and make a couple test VMs. Future plans include media storage, dashboard, and other goods, so I'm gonna do a YouTube crawl to find some cool things to implement. Thanks for reading :)